
Chefs Spend an Afternoon with Burke High School

Oct 25, 2018

When our community calls, we answer! So when the New Tech Network at  Burke High School reached out for assistance from Holy City Hospitality, we were excited to lend a helping hand! New Tech Network believes “that schools get better by being part of a community, and that school networks can solve the most complex challenge we face today: closing the opportunity gap for all students.” Burke High School has been a part of the Charleston community since the early 1900s and is a Lowcountry staple! Being able to work with this school was enriching for both the students and our team.

This class assignment focused on food and exports. Holy City Hospitality chefs came to the classroom and taught students culinary basics such as what an appetizer is, menu pairings, and more. Students at Burke High School were assigned to create menus based off food items that either originated from the New World (the Americas) or the Old World (Europe, Asia, Africa) with the assistance of our trained chefs.

Needless to say, the project was a success!

Chef Richard Farr covering Holy City Hospitality's role in the community at Burke High School

Chef Richard Farr covered Holy City Hospitality’s role in the community.

Chef Andrew Boyd explaining culinary lingo at Burke High School

Chef Andrew Boyd explained restaurant basics such as menu layouts and culinary lingo.

We think it’s safe to say that the students learned a lot about the opportunities that lie in the Food & Beverage/Hospitality field….

and had a lot of fun in the process!

We love giving back to our community! We appreciate the work that New Tech Network is doing and we are honored to have been able to work with such a stellar staple as Burke High School.